Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Molly and The Kid

So, my daughter has a daddy who has two modes. There's regular daddy who wears a hat and is ruggedly handsome, and there's pretty daddy who wears a wig and is, well, pretty. Regular daddy is the daddy default setting, and the one that she sees most of the time. Pretty daddy is like a bonus mode, an alternate costume code that you can input and have daddy with pretty hair and cute shoes and makeup. A temporary upgrade if you will. While mostly fun, this has created a kind of strange dynamic in our house. Not for The Kid, who at eight months old doesn't really know there's a difference between daddy and pretty daddy, but for me. I'm starting to get concerned about dressing and if/how all this pretty is going to affect her.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

June Cleaver's Got Nothing on Me

So yesterday, as is my wont on a Monday, I went to my shrink appointment as Molly. On my way out of the house, my wife hands me a grocery list and says, "Pick this up on the way home, please." I look down at my outfit, nothing too crazy, jeans and a sweater but I am in heels and full makeup, then back at her and raise an eyebrow. "You'll be fine." she says, and off I go to my appointment. Grocery shopping as Molly after a therapy session? Good idea or best idea?

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Clothes Make the Crossdresser

So, I'm a member over at Crossdressers.com, which is, on the whole, a pretty decent community. One thing I've noticed over there is a propensity for members to refer to their guy clothes as drab. As in, "I had to dress in drab today." Typically, this term is used in a pejorative fashion that, when I hear it, never fails to bring me down. It seems like a lot of members over at the Crossdressers.com forums are ashamed of or almost angry at the fact that they were born men. And that, well, that just makes me sad.