Monday, October 18, 2010

Intro with Heels

Hi there. My name is Molly, and I'm a crossdresser. Well, of course that's not my real name, but it's what you can call me. Why Molly you ask? Well, I'm a huge nerd, a professional nerd if you will, and Molly is the name of one of my very favorite characters in science fiction literature, Molly Millions.

So what's all this about then, this self-indulgent little bit of bloggy navel gazing? Well, I'm pretty new to crossdressing, although not a total noob, and I guess I just needed someone to talk to, sooooooo... I guess you're it Internet! It's here that I'll share my thoughts, feelings, and anxieties about crossdressing, shopping, being out and about en femme, and how dressing affects my relationship with my wife, my daughter, and my friends. Stay tuned, this should be interesting.

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